Example Courseware Material

Study Guide

Topic 6 Video

Video is a great educational tool (when used well).

There are numerous ways of including video; we have focused on the following:

  1. YouTube embedding
  2. Video.js javascript library
  3. Mediasite.

YouTube is very well set up to deliver video content and captures detailed analytics about user interaction with video. However it is has potential drawbacks, being an external tool.

Video.js is a javascript library which enhances HTML5’s native <video> element, creating an elegant interface for interacting with locally embedded video content. It includes the capacity to embed closed-captioning (subtitles), full screen viewing, etc.

DR has extended its interface to add a toggle button for a written transcript of the video.

We have also addressed other issues, such as potential conflicts when several videos are embedded on one page. The examples below show the same video embedded twice. Note that if a video is started while another is playing, the previously playing video stops to avoid conflict.

Video embedded with video.js

Well when I got accepted into university it was a bit of a fluke and I never ever thought that I would come to uni because I thought I’d be a checkout chick forever.

That was sort of my life goal so to be at university was a big shock for me.

I remember when my mum drove me to uni I thought it was going to be fabulous, I had all these expectations and then I got there and we set up my bedroom and it kind of looked like a gaol cell so that was a bit hard.

But we set it up and I thought ‘Yep, life’s going to be great’, ‘I’m going to meet all my best friends’, ‘I’m going to have great times’ and then reality kicked in as soon as my mum left.

I was in a six bedroom room and there was no one else there so I locked the door, locked myself away and cried for three days straight. I’ve never felt so low in my life,

I felt lonely and I was homesick. I felt so homesick I wanted to die, it was horrible.

And then after about three days of crying my eyes out i eventually unlocked the door and walked out into the big wide world and I met all these amazing people that changed my life forever and really allowed me to figure out who I was with the experiences that I had with them because meeting people and getting to know people and sharing life with people is really important to me and feeling that personal connection.

So that was definitely something that got me through and then also having a connection to the campus that I was on by being involved in volunteering on campus at events and meeting like minded students and going to the library to study, instead of locking myself in my room, where you get to meet people and share things and really feel like you belong here on the campus that was something that really helped me.

A random blockquote, to break things up a bit.

Here is a second iteration of the same video, to demonstrate what happens if the user interacts with a video while another one is playing.

Well when I got accepted into university it was a bit of a fluke and I never ever thought that I would come to uni because I thought I’d be a checkout chick forever.

That was sort of my life goal so to be at university was a big shock for me.

I remember when my mum drove me to uni I thought it was going to be fabulous, I had all these expectations and then I got there and we set up my bedroom and it kind of looked like a gaol cell so that was a bit hard.

But we set it up and I thought ‘Yep, life’s going to be great’, ‘I’m going to meet all my best friends’, ‘I’m going to have great times’ and then reality kicked in as soon as my mum left.

I was in a six bedroom room and there was no one else there so I locked the door, locked myself away and cried for three days straight. I’ve never felt so low in my life,

I felt lonely and I was homesick. I felt so homesick I wanted to die, it was horrible.

And then after about three days of crying my eyes out i eventually unlocked the door and walked out into the big wide world and I met all these amazing people that changed my life forever and really allowed me to figure out who I was with the experiences that I had with them because meeting people and getting to know people and sharing life with people is really important to me and feeling that personal connection.

So that was definitely something that got me through and then also having a connection to the campus that I was on by being involved in volunteering on campus at events and meeting like minded students and going to the library to study, instead of locking myself in my room, where you get to meet people and share things and really feel like you belong here on the campus that was something that really helped me.


Due to the fact when Mediasite initialise on loading and can interfere with the user experience when doing so, we have developed a simple system for displaying placeholders which will load the video when clicked, as demonstrated below.


What are your thoughts about the Digital Resources team’s approach to publishing content?

What further enhancements would you like to see?